Sponsor a child

Education, Nutrition and a Safe Space
September 28, 2021 by

Over the last few months, times have been getting harder for the people in the village. COVID and the ongoing economic impact of restricted trade and travel, as well as widespread company closure and job losses, have had a devastating effect on people who were already struggling.

Vulinqondo Day Care Centre asks for a R50 (£2.50 or DKK21) contribution per child per month as a school fee. This goes towards the provision of food mainly.  Each child who attends the creche receives education, a safe place with supervision as well as breakfast, a snack and cooked lunch.

In recent months we have seen a marked decrease in attendance (to around 10 children) which has been attributed to parents not being able to afford to send their children in. 

We considered a few options to respond to this issue but could only come up with one solution that we felt would be the fairest: Make attendance free.  Ian started the creche to provide food, nutrition and safety to these underprivileged and disadvantaged children who live in mud houses without electricity and running water. We could not continue to ask more from parents who are already struggling when even such a small amount can mean the difference between the rest of the family eating or not.

As soon as the announcement was made attendance rose back up to 35 and we are discussing finding additional capacity. 

This decision, whilst not taken lightly does add a little more pressure to the already pressurised finances but we are sure that it is the right decision.

If you feel at all like you would like to help us to keep serving this community please head to our donations page.

Sponsor a child
[email protected] September 28, 2021
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