Saraphina Tryphina Malinga
December 1958 - July 2020
We are very sad to announce that the cook, Gogo, at the daycare center has sadly passed away at the age of 62.
She had been cooking for the children at Vulinqondo since 2011 when the creche first opened. She was a most trusted member of the team and could always be called upon to help out whenever she could. She was the obvious choice to help at the daycare centre as she had already been cooking to feed many in the village every Saturday since 2009. She also lived just across from the creche and always kept an eye on things to make sure all was safe.
In March Gogo fell ill, with an assumed stomach ulcer which was a recurring issue for her, but it came at a time when hospitals were being cautious about admitting people as they were anticipating a surge in COVID-19 patients. Gogo was turned away and had to spend R400 at a private clinic to get an injection to stop her vomiting. Her health deteriorated further and the village made provision to send her home to her mother in Piet Retief as she could no longer be cared for adequately by the ladies in the village.
She suffered a very bad stroke last month and lost much of her movement leading her to be finally hospitalised where she passed away 19 July 2020.
The access to good healthcare in South Africa for the very poor is inadequate. I found it very difficult to hear that she had been turned away from the hospital in March especially when she was so clearly in need of care and at the very least an injection and rehydration. That she had had to spend, a relatively a huge amount for the injection when a lockdown had just been announced wiping out any buffer that she may have had to tide her over for the rest of the month. We were able to continue to pay her, so in many ways she was far better off than others in her situation but it does highlight the absolute lack of provision for the very marginalised.
Gogo leaves behind a loving family. Her funeral is expected to take place at the weekend.
In Memory